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Donate to the
Camberley and Bagshot Catholic Parish


​If you wish to set up a monthly Standing Order, you can do so via your Bank, using the Parish's account details below.


Standing Order giving can also be easily Gift Aided. Gift Aid helps our parish to thrive. By signing up to Gift Aid you can add an extra 25p to every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you!

If you are a UK tax payer, please Gift Aid your donation so that we can claim back an extra 25% of donations from the Government.  Donations made online can also be Gift Aided. To Gift Aid a Standing Order, cheque or bank transfer, please contact the Parish Office for more details.

Ways You Can Donate:


In Person

You can donate by sending a cheque payable to "The Camberley and Bagshot Catholic Parish" to: The Parish Office, 1 Caesar’s Camp Road, Camberley, GU15 4ED



You can support the Parish by making an online donation, by simply clicking on this DONA link

You can also reach to the same link by scanning the following QR code with your smartphone camera:




If you would like to make your donation by Standing Order or would like to send a one-off money transfer, please use our banking details: ​


Bank: HSBC A/C

Name: RCD A&B Camberley and Bagshot Parish

Account Number: 31077368 Sort Code: 40 05 20

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Help Those In Need

At the Camberley and Bagshot Catholic Parish, we believe in the power of giving. Your donations help us to support our community and continue God's work in the world.

[Proverbs 19:17]

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Thank You For Subscribing!

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